What foods lower blood pressure

What foods lower blood pressure?

Have you been so scared and so worried about your blood pressure levels and and asking yourself on the foods you should eat and those you should not eat in order to maintain your blood pressure at normal or wondering what foods lower blood pressure levels? This the right place for you. You should continue reading because you are about to find the answers to all your questions and a solution to your problems because the article highlights the foods you should eat and those you should avoid.

To deal with high blood pressure the key factor of all is Diet.

Diet is the best tool in the fight against high blood pressure and below are the best foods one can rely on to help lower the blood pressure.

Foods to rely on to lower blood pressure.

Food with low fat Dairy

Some of these foods may include, milk and other diary food resulting to a healthy balanced diet which could be much help in lowering the blood pressure. Why the Diary products? The dairy products contain a combination of nutrients and these including, calcium which nutrient is key in the blood pressure reduction/lowering.

Low fat dairy foods like natural yogurt and semi-skimmed milk are a great source of protein and calcium with no excess saturated fat.

Wholegrain foods

When we talk of whole grain foods these include, oats, brown rice and whole meal bread. These foods are good because they contain more nutrients and fibre compared to other starchy foods such as, rice, white bread and pasta. Consuming more fibre resorts to reducing risks of heart failure diseases and circulatory diseases. The soluble fibre also known as Beta – gulcans from oats play a great role in lowering blood pressure. Feeding on the diet which is rich in fibre is highly recommended if you are trying to lose some weight and this also resulting into lowering your blood pressure.

Other fibre foods may include, beans, nuts, seeds, lentils, fruits and vegetables. You are advised to choose high fibre and starchy cards at all your meals as an easy way to increase your fibre intake.

Lean protein

The sources of protein are lower in calories than fattier sources but are still filling. These simply can help you to manage your weight which is a key in lowering blood pressure.

The right foods to choose include, chicken, turkey, eggs, and beans. You are advised to reduce on the consumption of res and processed meats.

Fruits and Vegetables

Beetroot fruit is one of the best you can rely on to lower blood pressure. Beetroot juice is a concentrated source of nutrients which makes it the best in lowering the blood pressure.

However other vegetables and fruits also can be of great value, talk of, spinach, bananas, celery, strawberries

Also to note is that all fruits and vegetables are a great source of potassium which can be of great help in lowering the blood pressure.it of advise to consume potassium through foods rather than supplements because too much potassium can be harmful especially to the heart

and kidney mostly to the people with kidney problems. Potassium supplements should be taken under the doctor prescriptions.

It of great benefit if a person on daily basis consumes fruits and vegetables as he will gain a wide range of nutrients a key to lowering the blood pressure.

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In regards to diet there some foods you should avoid to prevent high blood pressure but not to necessary to completely exclude these foods but just to be mindful on the level of their consumption.

Salty foods (foods that contain too much salt)

It’s advisable not to have more than 6g of salt a day, this is about a teaspoon though many of consume more than the estimated.

It’s hard to avoid the salty foods because many of these are just our routine foods such as crisps, olives, sauces, pickles, processed meat (like ham, bacon, and sausages), staples like bread and the breakfast cereals like G. nuts

So it’s more advisable to check on the product labels to look for low salt options and cut back on high-salt foods. And also get some time prepare your own meals than the take away meals. This could be of great help in reducing the risk of getting high blood pressure.       

Sugary and fatty foods.

Sugar and fat may not directly affect your blood pressure but it is just that foods that are rich in sugars and fats are high calorie foods and their too much consumption can lead to weight gain which is likely to raise the blood pressure.

The best way is to plan a health snack like fruit or plain yoghurt if you get hungry between meals.

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Excessive caffeine

Caffeine can be a foundation to the raising of the blood pressure though its effects are usually short lived and lessens when you drink it regularly. The moderate taking of caffeine should be 4-5 cups a day so that it cannot turn out to be a problem for most people. However, people are not the same as some are more sensitive compared to others and so the consuming of caffeine may affect their blood pressure.

To greatly note is that caffeine is not only caffeine tea but also can be in energy drinks, chocolate, and soft drinks like colas.


Drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure so it better to take in moderation. Too much alcohol can also lead to weight gain overtime resulting into increase of high blood pressure.

It good to keep in mind the government guidelines of no more than 14 units per week. It’s better to space out any days that you drink alcohol out to have some alcohol – free days as well.

However, besides diet, there are so many other ways you can lower blood pressure.

  • Medication by medical personal, it is important to take medicine but you should take it as prescribed by the medical personnel.
  • Become more physically active.

You can achieve this by engaging in physical activities such athletes.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Stopping smoking


In summary, prioritizing a balanced diet rich in low-fat dairy, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables while minimizing intake of salt, sugar, and excessive caffeine and alcohol can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. These dietary choices, coupled with regular physical activity, weight management, and other lifestyle adjustments, offer a comprehensive approach to blood pressure management. By taking proactive steps to nurture your cardiovascular health, you empower yourself to lead a vibrant and fulfilling life.

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